Netflix’s Umbrella Academy Season 1 Timeline Infographic

This timeline infographic covers the major events of Netflix Umbrella Academy Season 1 from the years 1928 to 2064.
Beirut Explosion Infographic

This is an easy to consume infographic to explain the what and how of the Beirut explosion tragedy that occurred on Aug 4 2020.
Infographic Design Concept: How to design a better timeline

This is a concept infographic tracing the history of Singapore’s Urban Renewal Authority starting from 1958. This timeline can be sized to 15 meters long to cover a wall in a hallway.
Infographic: Contact-free temperature kiosks by SG United

This is an infographic to announce SG United has deployed contact-free temperature self-check kiosks at public transport locations island-wide.
Infographic: The new Reality of Work From Home Post COVID-19

This is an infographic to show the new reality of work from home post COVID-19 era.